All about keloid

Keloids are scars of worry for a person severly affected.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Keloid - How it comes and when it stops


The keloid appears from any wound on a potentially sensitive person. Wounds can be from sources as simple as Mosquito bites to Surgical openings. The list of sources AFAIK.

  • Surgical scars
    • Open Heart Surgeries
    • Bye-Pass Surgeries
    • Cardiac Thoracic Surgeries
    • Any other
  • Wound from Accidents, Falls and any type of injuries
  • Pimples
  • Ear Piercing
  • Body Piercing
The person with the tendency will have the scar bulging after the wound heals. It keeps growing in some cases and will stop. AFAIK, it is not predictable.


My experience says that the appearance of the Keloid scars will never stop. Not with aging. But, all wounds will not become a Keloid in the affected person. I have personally experienced this. Many individual Keloids will try to group itself to form a large area of scar.
In my experience, the bulging will stop and flatten in some areas. While others will remain the same.

I was in a perception that it will stop after 25 years of age as my Doctors said. But, I am hearing that 55 years old and a 80 Year Old Male patient got Keloids.


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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What a keloid looks like

Keloid is a lump of muscle bulging out abruptly from the normal skin's periphery. It looks like a heaped-up muscle. It is shaped irregularly and tends to enlarge. keloids do not subside over time like scars.
Keloids start forming some time after an injury and extends beyond the wounded site. This tendency to migrate into surrounding areas other than the injured distinguishes keloids from normal hypertrophic scars.
Keloid is found more in the darker skinned people than the lighter. The occurance is equal in both the sexes.

The word Keloid is derived from the Greek word "chele",which means crab's claw, and the suffix -oid, meaning like.

Keloids are mostly found on earlobes (due to ear piercing), the sternum (The chest region which is always stretched), shoulders, the upper back and any place where abrasion has occurred. These scars are usually resulted from acne, pimples, insect bites, scratching, or any other skin trauma. Surgical scars also tend to form keloid in many.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What is a keloid

Keloid-Scars that are painfull-sickenning and always on the top worries of the person having it.
I face the keloidal problem and wanna blog on my special muscles. I don't know whether I can get it off or gotta live with it.